Point of Values story

Sverigebaserade Point of Value arbetar med värderingsbaserad utveckling av individer, grupper och organisationer. Alla våra processer är kvalitetssäkrade och utgår från etablerad forskning. Våra konsulter och facilitatorer arbetar i enlighet med vår uppförandekod. Vi utvecklar och finslipar ständigt vårt system med hjälp av våra engagerade facilitatorer.

Idag har vi mer än 300 utbildade Value.Online-facilitatorer i Europa, Mellanöstern, Nordafrika och Syd- och Nordamerika, och vårt system finns tillgängligt på 13 språk. Över 55 000 personer har använt vår unika verktyg för värderingsrangordning, Value.Online.

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Founders Forum

Our mission is to make values
something that’s both meaningful and
motivates meaningful change.

[Note: Let’s get some quotes about why the PoV team loves this stuff]

Lots of people talk about values. But not many people do the hard work of understanding values and understanding what they mean. Our job is to make this process easy – and even fun!

Point of Value is based in Lund, Sweden, but we have consultants, facilitators and clients all over the globe. All our processes are quality assured and research-based. Our consultants and facilitators work under our Code of Conduct. We also constantly develop and refine our system with the help of our committed facilitators.

Today there are more than 300 educated Value facilitators in Europe and North America. Our system is available in eleven languages. More than 46,000 people have used Value.Online, our unique value ranking tool. We hope it’s as valuable to you as it has been for them!

How we think

  • A philosophy, a method and a system.
  • Insight into personal values is the key to commitment and motivation.
  • Values are important because they govern our priorities and the reality we shape for ourselves and others. Giving people the chance to discover and practice their values is why Value exists.
  • We focus on personal values. These are the key to an individual’s motivation. Our method focuses on an individual’s own interpretation of the results. What do the values mean for them that can lead to self-insight and new perspectives? We help uncover those answers.
  • The difference between normative and personal values.
  • Normative values are the rules and conventions we have in families and society to be able to function peacefully. Personal values tell us what is important to us, what drives us, what we dream of. These unique values evolve and change through life. By separating them, we see overlaps and conflicts — that can be very insightful.
  • A team or organization can develop common values that become normative. When group members have insight into their own values and link them to their common normative values, the organization becomes self-sustaining and more effective.