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Get the feel for personal values and our online ranking


Value.Online servers as a distinctive instrument, utilised by certified facilitators to guide individuals, teams and organisations towards aligning their values. This alignment not only fuels motivation, but also enhances the workplace environment and drives better outcomes.
Value.Try allows you to rank 25% of the values in the system and get a feel for the first step of the Value.Online process. It marks the start of a journey of self-discovery.

When ranking, make sure to think only of yourself and what is truly important to you. Once you have finished ranking, you can attend a free workshop to continue the process or find a facilitator to discuss tailored solutions.

Read the instructions, or watch the tutorial below

  • Choose your preferred language and click ‘start.’

  • Fill in all fields in the form. Note: Only a valid email address will enable you to receive your ranking results.

  • Click on the blue square with the arrows.

  • Initially, you will be presented with four value words, each with its definition.

  • Rank the four value words by clicking or tapping on the corresponding number. Number 1 (one) represents your most important value, number 2 (two) represents the second most important, and so on.

  • Once you have ranked all the words on the screen (each value word has been given a ranking of 1, 2, 3 or 4), click the arrow to receive a new set of value words. Alternatively, click the ‘X’ to start the ranking process again, log out and continue later, or choose to continue with the existing results.

  • When you have finished ranking, click ‘view report.’ It may take 30-60 seconds before any results are shown on the screen. The report will also be emailed to you, along with full instructions.

Click or scan to rank on mobile

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