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Become a certified
Value.Online facilitator

Facilitator training is for anyone passionate about learning to support others in exploring and practicing their values.

Maybe you’re a consultant or coach looking for a tool to improve your offer to clients, or a leader wanting to build collaborative team cultures in your company systematically. Or you work with HR and believe that our value tool and methodology would effectively align personal and organisational values through a leadership program. Regardless of your background or intention, facilitator training can help make it happen.


Our certifications for professionals



Identify values and increase
the sense of meaning

Practicing personal values gives a sense of meaning and creates inner motivation. Clarity and knowledge of one’s personal values strengthen self-worth and make it easier to prioritize and make conscious decisions.
Leaders who have insight into their personal values and those of their organisation are perceived to be more credible and find it easier to make decisions. That’s why value congruence always begins with the individual.

Who is Value.Individual training for?

Anyone who work on a one-on-one basis, like managers doing an appraisal, mentors, coaches, HR staff, etc.



Achieve group harmony
and motivation

Team culture represents the expected behaviours and priorities that a team stands for and promotes. Teams are key building blocks in achieving value harmony between the individual and the organisation. When individuals feel comfortable and aligned in a team, they can practice their personal values. This creates meaning and inner motivation, and employees thrive in their workplace. However, when team values fall out of alignment, everyone suffers. People may dislike their work, staff retention may suffer, and team productivity may plummet.

Who is Value.Team training for?

Team coaches, OD consultants, Managers, Project leaders, HR staff, etc.

This is how it works

Experiential learning

The training is designed for you to practice facilitating others under the experienced guidance of a master trainer. You learn by doing. With feedback from your peers, test clients, and your own reflections, you quickly build the ability and confidence as a facilitator. And you will be ready to start facilitating others within weeks.



During the training, you will learn the philosophy and theories behind the facilitation process. You’ll also get a list of current research and literature that you can immerse yourself in. Through group exercises and individual practice, you’ll discover the steps in the facilitation process and learn how to work with individuals and teams, all of which is clearly outlined in the facilitator manual. Finally, you’ll explore the Value.Online system and become fluent in all aspects of the tool.


Time and Place

We run our training programs online in Zoom and start monthly as soon as we have three or more applicants.


  • Value.Individual: €1800.

  • Value.Individual + Value.Team: €2400.

  • Adding Value.Team to a previous Value.Individual: contact us.

  • Value.Organisation: contact us for a quote.

Getting Ready

Before the first day of training, you will receive two individual facilitation sessions by the Master Trainer, each lasting
1.5-2 hours. The specific times and arrangements will be mutually agreed upon between you and the Master Trainer. During these sessions, you will have the opportunity to discuss the course structure, exercises, home assignments, and get answers to any questions you might have.

Value.Individual Course Scope

  • The course comprises 30–35 hours and includes:

  • 4 online training sessions led by a Master Trainer.

  • 3 self-organized home assignment meetings with other course participants in between the training sessions.

  • 3x3 facilitation sessions with your own test clients in between training sessions.


Note: The timing and frequency of sessions can be adjusted by mutual agreement among participants and the Master Trainer.


Value.Team Course Scope

Same as for Value.Individual with the addition of two more 2 hours sessions and home assignments.


Accredited by the ICF

The Certified Value Facilitator training is accredited by the ICF (International Coaching Federation) and entitles you to 13 CCE points and 11 RD points that coaches can use for renewing an ICF certification.

Book a call with us if you’d like to know more about our training programs to become a Certified Value Facilitator.

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