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Values-based Development
for Organisations

Develop your people, teams and organisation to become more resilient and achieve better results. Our values-based tools and processes are well-documented and in line with modern learning and integration practices that endure. Read some of the stories from clients who have experienced working with our values-based approach.


We train you or your staff (HR professionals, internal coaches, leaders) to become facilitators of these transformative processes.


If you prefer to work with one of our trained facilitators to guide you through the process, you can find one here.


Defining organisational values that matter


Our approach mirrors the organisation’s values with input from stakeholders’ perspectives.

Through interviews and storytelling, their contributions inform a set of guiding values/principles for the organisation to uphold, take pride in, and to be held accountable for. This process of co-creation can also galvanize stakeholders and teams. All are included, all voices are heard, and there is transparency regarding behavioural accountability.

A journey towards clarity, confidence and credibility



Modern leadership is about getting tough things done in a human way. With a clear inner compass, leaders feel more confident to balance psychological safety in the workplace with the demands for financial results. It’s not either-or, it’s both-and.


Our individual processes are well-suited for leaders who receive weak evaluations from their employees, and for leaders who would like to take their leadership to the next level.

Achieve group harmony and motivation


Teams often make the mistake of creating common rules without knowing each other’s values, and they don’t clearly articulate what these rules mean. We reverse that process.

We have a well-proven step-by-step workshop process for working with teams and organisations to create a preferred team culture. When team members go through this process together, value congruence – balance and harmony between personal values and team values – is developed and strengthened.

For example, this process serves as a powerful tool in mergers and acquisitions to ensure a seamless integration and maximize value for all stakeholders involved.

Sign up for a workshop and try
the tool for free

Get a feel for the tool by trying our free version of the tool, Value.Try.

We host two online workshops monthly.

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