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Values, network and co-creation

Our intention is to add value to your business by offering networking and co-creation opportunities centered around values-based development. We believe that inviting people to engage in conversations on topics relating to values work, will be fruitful for all. Sharing experiences, best practices and ideas moving forward, can also serve as a foundation for us to refine our tools and processes, all for the benefit of individuals, teams and organisations.


Why not start by participating in a Value.Lab and then continue the conversation in our Value.Interact community? Once you have become curious about our tool Value.Online, you can sign up for a Value.Try Workshop. If you are a certified Value Facilitator, you are a natural member of our Facilitators' Forum.

Join our Value.Labs

Online forum for co-creation of new processes, products, tools and applications, where we explore thoughts and ideas with an experimental and innovative mindset.

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Join a global network

In our LinkedIn community Value.Interact we continue the conversations after Value.Labs, start new threads on current topics, share stories or simply ask and answer questions.

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