
Value.Interact är ett utrymme för kreativt tänkande, där vi delar idéer, skapar nätverk och utvecklar vår personliga och professionella kunskap. Bli en del av vårt globala Value.Online-nätverk genom att delta i evenemang, lära, växa och dela.

Vår Value.Interact-gemenskap: Platsen där vi träffas för att dela våra erfarenheter, lära oss från varandra och växa som professionella och individer.

Value.Lab: Delta i våra månatliga forum för kreativ samverkan och utveckling av processer, produkter, verktyg och applikationer.

Workshops: Följ upp din Value.Try-rangordning genom att delta i någon av våra interaktiva workshops.

Populära ämnen på Value.Interact

Valid levels of certifications

The training for the Value.Team certification is available since 2019, and for Value.Organisation from 2023, so if you have been trained earlier than 2019 you are certified for Value.Individual.

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Skriv in i kalendern!

Vår evenemangskalender erbjuder gott om möjligheter för dig att delta i evenemang, workshops och medskapa framtidens värderingsarbete.

Join us live on YouTube

Once a month – live conversations, questions and answers

Our Ask Me Anything sessions cover a wide range of subjects where we can all – organizers and participators – gain a deeper understanding of how values shape our thoughts & actions and how Value.Online can help apply them to our personal and professional lives.

The AMA format allows for open and honest conversations with diverse perspectives. Don’t miss out on this valuable learning experience.

Click the button below for a schedule on upcoming AMA’s, or watch previous conversations.

co-creating the future

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Do you want to participate in creating new processes, products, tools and applications together with other people using Value.Online?
Value.Lab is a monthly creative forum with different, engaging subject for participants from a wide spectrum of businesses to bring diverse perspectives to the conversation.

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Sign up for an interactive webinar

In this highly interactive webinar, you will have the opportunity to experience a reflective exercise together with other Value.Free users, to explore some of your top prioritised values right know. The webinar is facilitated by one of our team members and you will get a taste for the second step in our value discovery process – storytelling. There will also be time for you to ask any questions you may have about value work with our tool and processes.